Years ago I had a friend who was and still is a believer in Christ. And when I would talk to him about trying to stop having these sexual urges and lusting He kept telling me "you got to surrender and give it to God" and I would just say I know and I would just kinda go on my way not really knowing how to do that. I mean really! How do you give something that is not tangible that you can't hold in your hands to someone who is not tangible and you cannot see or hear? At least that was my way of thinking at those times before I became a follower and believer of Jesus Christ. You see, I went to college for design and engineering classes and I have an associates degree in Design Technology. I have 17 years experience in that field so I like to grab hold of things that are tangible to understand it. If i can't see or hear it that it is hard for me to believe in it so this concept was really difficult for me. And then the Lord finally revealed it to me. It's not about me and my feelings. I am a very feeling oriented person. I think we all are. And it is easy for me to go on my feelings and let them lead me throughout my day and letting them determine how I respond to certain things. But if I do that then I'm saying its all about me and what I'm going through and how I feel. And that is a lie from the pit of hell! As I think about this I'm reminded of the lyrics to the song "Surrender".......
"I'm giving You my heart, all that is within
I lay it all down, for the sake of You my King
I'm giving You my dreams, laying down my rights
I'm giving up my pride, for the promise of new life*
And I surrender all to You, all to You
And I surrender all to You, all to You
I'm singing You this song, I'm waiting at the cross......
I believe that to surrender our will to God means that we first start with a filter. By that I mean we need to take a look at what the Word of God says. Are we living according to His will? Are the circumstances in our lives a result of disobedience? Or are they simply out of our control? All we have to worry about is to simply obey. Follow what the Word of God says and you can't do this on your own! It's impossible for anyone except Jesus! So we need to ask Him to help us follow His way. Then simply release it. In your heart and in your mind just release it and know with a clear mind that your doing your part to the best of your ability to do what God wants and leave the results up to Him. Sometimes this may mean you do just the opposite of what your feelings are telling you. If your depressed because you feel lonely then find someone who is in need and help them.
This is what it means to take up your Cross daily and Follow Jesus.